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I began my career in the financial services industry to help people figure out the complex world of money. I enjoy having conversations about finance. Please reach out to me with any questions or concerns you may have.

Office: 704.461.0043

Cell: 704.779.3635


Our business has grown over the years because our clients have so much faith in us they consistently refer their friends and family. Please let us know if you know someone who could benefit from our services.

Raymond Watson

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Patsy's Recipe Book

If you’ve ever spent any time around my family, then you’ll know we spend a lot of time in the kitchen. Below is a collection of Patsy’s favorite recipes.

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Patsy's Recipe Book

Thomas and the Wolverines

As a family we spend a lot of time on a baseball field. Attached is a link to our family’s travel baseball team.

Thomas Delivering a Pitch